Random Crap, OF DOOOM!!  

My own little corner online, where I can hide all my belly-button lint.

I think I can stick links in here...
It appears so!
I never liked that archive crap anyway.
Maybe i should organize these into sections...
Yeah, that would be cool.

Artists to worship:
Robert Venosa
Alex Gray
M.C. Escher
Stanlislav Szukalski
Zdzislaw freaking Beksinski
Rene Magritte
Honore Fragonard (now mostly translated!)
Senor Zar
Ex-Python animator
Mr. Bird could beat up your mother AND a dinosaur
Ernst Fuchs (fyooks, you asshat)

Don't let your kids listen to:
Big Dumb Face
White/Rob Zombie
Collective Soul
Damn pretentious Canadians
Queens of the Stone Age

People with the misfortune of knowing me:
Teh w00tFr3d!!1!
Someone I don't really know but has good taste in TOOL, err, music.
My sister was dropped on her head.
The rest of my friends have too much self-respect for an online presence.

We dn't need no stikning spellchecker!

Fine, I'll archive this crap:

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*ahem* sorry for the, uh, having a life. It happens sometimes, I'll try not to do it again.

So on Wednesday I observed something. Something....well it was something. All the cash registers at the on-campus food court are made by the same company. POS Technology co. Yes, all the cash registers in the food court are quite literally POS'es. They're even labelled as such prominently. No breakdown of what POS stands for, nothing. Just POS tech in bold blue lettering. Either they're really clever or they make, well, POS.

Also, you should use your favorite file-stealing program to download Weezer's "We are all on Drugs" video. It's only sorta theirs though, since it's really just their music playing over an 80's metal bamd video. But oh man, the video they chose. You gotta see it.

  posted by Travis @ 4:27 PM

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