Whatever weather is required to foster a lot of static electricity, it has descended upon the greater LA area for the last week or two. Now, usually this is a good thing, as I torture all my friends and family. But now whenever I pet Zero, I pick up a huge charge almost instantly. This means that when I try to scratch her head, I am constantly zapping her ears or nose. She's noticeably afraid of my hands now. Yet she still wants to be petted, so she tries to sneak up on them all ninja-like in hopes they won't sting her little nose. Silly cat, MY HANDS ARE PAIN!
Also, just so you know. Comments are now enabled and can be made by clicking on the time of posting. So now the two of you can once again totally ignore them, yay!
And yeah, I used to have a comment system back when I was xXhardcoreXx. But their servers died, so those are no more. This one's through blogger, so all this abuse will be preserved as long as blogger is afloat, I suppose.